The world of online games

The world of online games

Nancy 0 147 2023.02.02 14:58
I heard a few crisp sounds, and the flying sword was broken into several pieces and fell to the ground. Damn it! How does this boy love to take the equipment to block the monster? How can he not find a place to spend when he has too much money. But because of his block, Night Brahma safely withdrew from a certain distance, swallowed a few "medicine" pills, "holding" a long knife and rushed up again. Although we a few B under a fierce attack is extremely difficult, but after all, we still have enough "medicine" water as a supplement, compared to the light out of Xu Fu, we still have a certain advantage. But the world is not satisfactory, when Xu Fu's blood volume dropped to ten thousand, his bloodthirsty skills finally broke out. Two red lights came out of his eyes like lightning, pointing directly to the present physical highland-me. -100,-100,-100…… A series of numbers jumped from my head, and if I jumped at this speed, I would be sucked dry in less than ten seconds. Frost Feather also saw that the situation was not right, and sprinkled the skill of adding blood on me like water, but it could barely maintain less than one third of my blood volume, and could not be added at all. Like eating fried jelly beans, I stuffed the "medicine" water into my mouth and kept retreating. But this stone room is no longer spacious, even if I have retreated to the wall. Still failed to escape Xu Fu's two blood-sucking eyes. Damn it! It's better for anyone to die than me. Regardless of whether the frost feather can add blood to us after it disappears, I calculate that the cooldown time has passed, throw out the white bone banner, a record of the sun, through the cover of the banner clan, smoothly hide to one side. Perhaps Xu Fu has already sucked enough, that damned blood-sucking skill also did not take out the present treasure again, still repeated the previous sword gas attack. We also have to go back to the previous way of playing, and fight purely with "medicine" water. But this time we learned, as long as B uses bloodthirsty skills, while he ignores other people, we stop taking'medicine ', all use their own high attack skills, so that even if the old boy sucks blood, it can not make up for the original amount of blood. Lose! It's a big loss! Murong Xiaobai sat on a lonely reef. He looked dejectedly at his instep. When we managed to grind Xu Fu's blood volume to less than 1000 points, I suddenly came up with an idea in my mind and used a skill that made several comrades hate me deeply-Gathering Soul Banner. Originally, I just used it casually with a try mentality. I didn't know that the old boy couldn't stand the temptation, Inflatable water park factory , so he only used it twice and was taken into the banner by me. Became one of our "sex" summoning beasts. Now that B has been accepted by me, the experience and equipment that should be gained have all come to naught. Five people watched B disappear. Their mouths were so wide open that they couldn't swallow us alive. Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Miss.. Use the wrong skill. Holding the white bone banner in one hand and "touching" the back of my head in the other, I tried very hard to pretend to be innocent, but it didn't seem to work very well. Although the good B is gone and the experience is gone, there are still many treasures in Xu Fu's coffin. In addition to the blue cloud and golden shuttle drawings we expected, there is also a pair of leather boots to increase the running speed. A belt with 20 spaces, and a pillow that triggers hidden tasks. Because I robbed Xu Fu's soul, so I don't have a share of things. Five people gathered around four things and discussed how to divide them. Thinking that Anluohong was a machine engineer, I made a decision privately and gave him the drawings of Biyun Jinsuo. In the night, Brahma and he were a couple, and she had already taken a drawing of neon clothes and feather clothes before, so this time she would no longer participate in the division of dirt. Draw lots for the remaining three items. Frost Feather got that weird pillow. Xiao Bai took the belt and put the boots into his pocket. Finally, I didn't go back empty-handed. It's a confession to the Sect Leader. She sighed faintly, obviously disappointed that she didn't get the drawings or the pillow. But now five pairs of eyes were staring at him, and he did not dare to make any complaints. Besides, I promised in advance, as long as we can make Biyun Jinsuo, we will help the city of fantasy free processing, which is just the result of the fantasy sea dragon. Of course, the material still has to come out by ourselves. We just change our hands and practice our skills by the way. We haven't reached the point of being a sucker.
Xiao Bai was obviously not satisfied with the belt, so he cried out for loss. But Frost Feather looked at the pillow and liked it, and refused to exchange it with him anyway, so he could only blame the back of his hand. Unfortunately. "" An Luohong took the drawing we gave him and sighed for a while. Pity about what? Good things are given to you, but you dare to sigh. I took out the posture of the gang leader and said very discontentedly. An Luohong took the scroll dejectedly, unfolded it, looked at it twice, and put it away again. He said to the crowd disappointedly, "I'm afraid we've worked hard in vain this time. I can't do this." "Why?" Murong Xiaobai grabbed the scroll and looked at it horizontally and vertically, but he didn't get a clue for a long time. An Luohong pointed to the scroll and said, "Biyun Jinsuo is equivalent to an immortal magic weapon. It is not so easy to make it.". My current machine technology can only make some of the parts, if you want to assemble a complete hull, you need more than 5000 shipbuilding proficiency. "Shipbuilding proficiency above 5000?" Small tut tut mouth, "touch" "touch" running boots in the backpack. Originally heard an Luohong said he could not do it, he also wanted to use the boots to change the drawings, to his gang's machine division to do. That must be a great achievement, and it is also worthy of Huan Hai Long Teng's trust in him. But as soon as he heard that the blue cloud gold shuttle needed more than 5000 degrees of shipbuilding proficiency,Inflatable outdoor park, he was immediately confused. Although he did not learn the machine skill, he had some friendship with the machine division in the gang, and he knew something about this skill.


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