

Michael 0 185 2023.02.02 13:50
Sima Yi said with a smile, "Governor Shen, judging from your recent performance on the Standing Committee, there have been several times when you have maintained a consistent position with Liu Fei, especially on the issue of Canglan Meat Joint Factory. In my opinion, apart from your recognition of what Liu Fei has done to a large extent, I'm afraid you are behind this support for Liu Fei." It also implies that you have another strategic purpose, that is, to appease Liu Fei. Speaking of appeasement, I can first talk about the most typical application of this strategy. During World War II, the United States adopted an appeasement policy towards the invasion of other countries by Japan, including Germany. In World War II, the United States connived at the invasion of Japan and Germany through this appeasement policy, thus provoking a worldwide war by other countries. However, the United States took advantage of this opportunity to sell arms everywhere. It also meddled in the political situation of other countries everywhere. Before the flames of the Second World War spread to the United States, the United States made enough money from this kind of war. At the same time, he firmly controlled the situation around the world. I suspect that even Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was within the forecast of some American forces, because with the strength of American intelligence agencies at that time, it was impossible to find that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, but he still endured it, which showed that his real purpose was very big. Even in order to fully control Japan and deliberately do so, regardless of the course of the war, the final result is that the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, really completely subdued the Japanese, since then, bullying Japan has become a running dog of the United States! Japan, on the other hand, has become the crop that the United States harvests every 20 years. I think the Japanese must be very puzzled now, why every time their country rises, it will encounter economic crisis or other crises? To put it bluntly,CSD filling line, this is what the Americans did. Japan, to put it bluntly, is the ATM of the United States. On the one hand, the United States promotes Japan's development and cooperates with Japan to deal with other countries. On the other hand, it controls Japan. Japan is like a fat sheep. When the wool grows, the United States reduces it. When the wool is short, it feeds more grass. As for the dispute over some islands between China and Japan, it is also rooted in the United States. At the beginning, after the end of World War II, the United States should have handed over the islands belonging to China occupied by him to China. However, the United States deliberately did not hand them over to China. Instead, when it made territorial delivery with Japan, it handed over those islands to Japan. Thus burying the sovereignty dispute between Japan and China around these islands, while the United States stood aside and assumed the posture of a mediator. In fact, this is a very insidious move by the United States. They are taking our territory of China to provoke disputes between China and Japan, Vegetable oil filling machine ,water filling machine, thus using this dispute to contain the development of China, even when necessary. Escalate the conflict. Japan, on the other hand, is a pawn of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and Japan is willing to be a pawn in order to realize its crazy obsession as a military, political, and economic power. Shen Zhongfeng said with a smile, "Mr. Sima Yi, you said the United States and Japan. Does this have anything to do with me?" Sima Yi said with a smile, "Governor Shen, don't tell lies in front of the wise. In fact, the reason why you support Liu Fei is that you want to provoke a struggle between Liu Fei and the Sihai Group and some forces of the Sihai Group in Canglan Province. You can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and the fisherman will benefit.". Governor Shen, I have to say, your move is really very clever, if you let me give you some better moves, I think, I really can not think of a more effective move than your move. After hearing this, Shen Zhongfeng laughed. Sima Yi's words were in his heart.
At this time, Sima Yi went on to say: "Governor Shen, although your strategy is good, I suggest you don't underestimate the enemy too much. Liu Fei is not a simple person. Now Liu Fei is as low-key and introverted as our Huaxia, but his strength is constantly rising. You should see that the reason why the Japanese are so arrogant now is always provoking us on the territorial issue." The root cause is that Japan's economy is at a low ebb. Compared with China, the gap is getting bigger and bigger. Moreover, Japan is in recession, while China is strong. You know, Japan is a nation with so-called national pride. In the past, especially in the 1980s and 1990s, Japan's economy developed rapidly and became the head of the four Asian dragons. At that time, the Japanese looked down on the Chinese from the bottom of their bones. Later, after the reform and opening up of China, the Japanese invested in China and put forward unreasonable demands one after another. However, the passage of time, now, Japan is not as good as China, so, now the whole of Japan is feeling very lost and unconvinced, so, they want to prove their strength through this provocation, therefore, Shen governor, you must pay attention to, in the course of the struggle between Liu Fei and Sihai Group, you must be cautious, especially to control the overall situation. You must pay attention to Liu Fei's deep foundation. Otherwise, your strategy will fail in the end. After hearing this, Shen Zhongfeng nodded vigorously: "Mr. Sima, what you remind me is right. It seems that I really can't take it lightly in this matter." Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of January. The New Year was approaching,Blowing Filling Capping combiblock, and the streets and alleys of Canglan Province were filled with an atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Compared with New Year's Day, this kind of atmosphere has far exceeded a lot. Many organs and units have also begun to put the payment of various employee benefits, bonuses and so on on the agenda.


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